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One-pass heater: Economical and Reliable to be used with 10:14 & 2015 Pumps

One-pass heater: Economical and Reliable to be used with 10:14 & 2015 Pumps
One-pass heater: The economical and reliable solution for a constant spraying quality to reduce the viscosity of paints without adding solvents.
The heating of the product is done in one single passage in the One-pass™ heater thanks to the new design and the optimized thermal exchange efficiency.
This innovative design offers the possibility to install directly the One-pass heater directly between the pump and the gun without recirculation. Its dimensions and reduced weight allow to fit it on a mobile pump (2 arms cart and mounting plate)
To be used in zone 1 and 2 according to ATEX
Agreement ISSeP 05ATEX031
Ex II 2 G - Ex d IIA T3


Thermostat type By fluid expansion and dry contact
Thermal fuse Cut at 72°C
Thermometer Graduation 0 - 60°C
Temperature range (°C) 15 - 45
Pressure (bar) 120
Weight (kg) 16.5
Wetted parts Stainless steel and PTFE
Room temperature (°C) 40° max


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