Ramseier Koatings - Labortory Unit

Ramseier Koatings - Labortory Unit
Labortory Powder Unit

The unit comprises the GCU123B-V electrostatic gun control unit, MG123V electrostatic manual spray gun, built-in Venturi pump and powder cup attachment. It is suitable for powder or colour testing and coating of samples.


Easy to clean, minimal wastage of powder and fast colour change.

Series 123 Laboratory MG123V Manual Spray Gun:

1. Good penetration into recess and corners
2. Built-in Venturi pump; convenient to use and easy to clean
3. Simple powder cup design ensures lees wastage and fast colour change
4. Suitable for different types of powder
5. Ergonomic design to reduce the labor intensity

Most suitable for coating of colour or powder samples and small work pieces.

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